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We invite you to keep us updated with your latest news, publications, awards, research study recruitment efforts, and any other significant developments. Please share these updates with us by using the contact form below. Your contributions are valuable and help foster a vibrant and informed community.

Call for papers!




Nomination for the Canada Gairdner Momentum Award


The Canada Gairdner Momentum Award annually recognizes two mid-career investigators (typically 10-15 years past their first independent research appointment) working in Canada who in their last six active years have produced exceptional scientific research contributions with continued potential for impact on human health. The Gairdner Foundation welcomes submissions from all areas of health research including but not limited to discovery, clinical, global health, and population science and translational research.

Successful nominees will have produced a focused, cohesive body of scientific research which has made a significant impact in health research. Consideration will also be given to a nominee’s contributions to the growth and enrichment of the Canadian research community.

Quality nominations are essential to the evaluation process for this award. Nominations are active for the year of submission only and must be resubmitted in following years to be considered again. Two awards will be given each year. Awards cannot be shared. Initial submissions are due 11:59 pm PST on July 15 each year. Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated by others.

For more informations, click here:


Academic psychiatrist position in the schizophrenia division at McMaster University

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We have an excellent opportunity available for the full-time position of Academic Psychiatrist, with appropriate experience, in the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioural Neurosciences (DPBN), McMaster University - Division of Schizophrenia, working within the Schizophrenia Service at St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton. The successful candidate will work in the outpatient program and will provide specialized care to patients with Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders in a collegial environment which fosters education and research.

The clinical portion of this position includes managing patients with chronic psychotic disorders through the Schizophrenia Outpatient Clinic at the St. Joseph’s West 5th site.

For more informations, click here to see the brochure.

New study for professionals 



For doctoral student: Pre-doctoral residency with Clinical Health Psychology

Seeking Assistant Professor in the area of clinical psychology - University of Manitoba


As part of a multi-year expansion to our CPA-accredited Clinical program, the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts at the University of Manitoba invites applications for two full-time Probationary (tenure-track) appointments at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment has an anticipated start date of July 1, 2024. Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2023 and will continue until the positions are filled. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications. For more informations:

Recherche de candidats pour un poste postdoctoral à l'Université de Boston

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6 juin 2023

Financé par un R01 sur les marqueurs neuronaux et comportementaux (EMA, capteurs smartphone) de l'isolement social et de la solitude en psychopathologie. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez le Dr Daniel Fulford :

Bourses d'études supérieures pour la recherche sur la schizophrénie et la psychose

Appel à candidatures 2023 et lignes directrices

LeFondation de la Société canadienne de schizophrénie(SSCF) et leConsortium canadien d'intervention précoce en psychose(CCEIP) sont heureux de s'associer pour offrir des bourses d'études supérieures spécifiques à la recherche sur la schizophrénie et la psychose. L'objectif de cette opportunité financée sur plusieurs années est de fournir une allocation pourONE doctorant (PhD)etDEUX étudiants en masterpoursuivre des recherches visant à identifier les causes ou à développer de nouvelles interventions pour la schizophrénie et la psychose connexe. La recherche peut se concentrer sur les aspects biomédicaux ou psychosociaux de la schizophrénie et de la psychose.


La date limite de soumission est1 mai 2023. Pour plus d'informations, cliquez surici ou contactez Delaney Forsyth au

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